In Press
Seuren, L.M. & Smith, M.S. Third-Position Actions. In: M. Stevanovic (ed.) Research handbook on social interaction. Edward Elgar.
Hughes, G., Stephens, T.J., Seuren, L.M., Pearse, R.M., & Shaw, S.E. Clinical context and communication in shared decision-making about major surgery: findings from a qualitative study with colorectal, orthopaedic and cardiac patients. Health. doi: 10.1177/13634593241238857
Seuren, L.M., & Shaw, S.E. How informal carers support video consulting in physiotherapy, heart failure and cancer: Qualitative study using linguistic ethnography. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 26:e51695. 10.2196/51695
Seuren, L.M., Ilomäki, S., Dalmaijer, E., Shaw, S.E., & Stommel, W.J.P. Communication in Telehealth: A state-of-the-art review of conversation analytic research. Research on Language and Social Interaction, 57(1):73-90. doi: 10.1080/08351813.2024.2305045
Seuren, L.M., Gilbert, A., Ramdharry, G., Walumbe, J., & Shaw, S.E. Video Analysis of Communication by Patients and Physiotherapists in Video Consultations: A Qualitative Study using Conversation Analysis. Physiotherapy, 123:30-37. doi: 10.1016/
Seuren, L.M. & Shaw, S.E. Using Linguistic Ethnography to study video consultations: a call to action and future research agenda. Qualitative Health Research, 32(5):800-813. doi: 10.1177/10497323221077297
Smith, M.S. & Seuren, L.M. Re-apprehending misapprehensions: A practice for accounting for inapposite actions in talk-in-interaction. Journal of Pragmatics, 193:43-58. doi: 10.1016/j.pragma.2022.02.018
Seuren, L.M., Wherton, J., Greenhalgh, T., & Shaw, S.E. (2021). Whose turn is it anyway? Latency and the organisation of turn-taking in video-mediated interaction. Journal of Pragmatics, 172:63-78. doi: 10.1016/j.pragma.2020.11.005
Wherton, J., Shaw, S.E., Papoutsi, C., Seuren, L.M., & Greenhalgh, T. (2020). Guidance on the introduction and use of remote video consultations during COVID-19: important lessons from qualitative research. BMJ Leader, 4:120-123. doi: 10.1136/leader-2020-000262
Shaw, S.E., Seuren, L.M., Wherton, J, Cameron, D., A'Court, C., Vijayaraghavan, S., Morris, J., Bhattacharya, S., & Greenhalgh, T. (2020). Interaction in Video Consultations: a linguistic ethnographic study of video-mediated interaction between patients and clinicians in Diabetes, Cancer, and Heart Failure services. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 22(5): e18378. doi: 10.2196/18378
Seuren, L.M., Wherton, J., Greenhalgh, T., Cameron, D., A'Court, C., & Shaw, S.E. (2020). Physical Examinations via Video for Patients With Heart Failure: Qualitative Study Using Conversation Analysis. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 22(1), e16694. doi: 10.2196/16694
Seuren, L.M., Stommel, W., Asselt, D. van, Sir, O., Stommel, M., & Schoon, Y. (2019). Multidisciplinary Meetings at the Emergency Department: A conversation-analytic study of decision-making. Social Science & Medicine, 242. DOI: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2019.112589 (Accepted version)
Seuren, L.M. (2019). Oh (/o/) als ontvanger van informatie in sociale interactie [Oh (/o/) as information receipt in Dutch talk-in-interaction]. Tijdschrift voor Taalbeheersing, 41(2), 363-390. DOI: 10.5117/TVT2019.2.002.SEUR
Seuren, L.M. (2019). Questioning in Court: The construction of direct examinations. Discourse Studies, 21(3), 340–357. doi: 10.1177/1461445618770483 (Accepted version)
Shaw, S.E., Cameron, D., Wherton, J., Seuren, L.M., Vijayaraghavan, S., Bhattacharua, S., A'Court, C., Morris, J., & Greenhalgh, T. (2018). Technology-Enhanced Consultations in Diabetes, Cancer, and Heart Failure: Protocol for the Qualitative Analysis of Remote Consultations (QuARC) Project. JMIR Research Protocols, 7(7): e10913. doi: 10.2196/10913
Seuren, L.M. & Huiskes, M. & Koole, T. (2018). Resolving Knowledge Discrepancies in Informing Sequences. Language in Society, 47(3), 409–434. doi: 10.1017/S0047404518000362
Seuren, L.M. (2018). Assessing Answers: Action ascription in third position. Research on Language and Social Interaction, 51(1), 33–51. doi: 10.1080/08351813.2018.1413890
Seuren, L. M., & Huiskes, M. (2017). Confirmation or Elaboration: What do yes/no declaratives want? Research on Language and Social Interaction, 50(2), 188–205. doi: 10.1080/08351813.2017.1301307
Seuren, L. M. (2016). Schaarste is goed, maar de selectie moet beter [Scarcity is good, but selection must improve]. Tijdschrift voor Taalbeheersing, 38(2): 181–187. doi: 10.5117/TVT2016.2.SEUR
Seuren, L. M., Huiskes, M. & Koole, T. (2016). Remembering and Understanding with oh-prefaced yes/no declaratives in Dutch. Journal of Pragmatics, 104: 180–192. doi: 10.1016/j.pragma.2016.02.006.
Seuren, L. M., Huiskes, M., & Koole, T. (2015). Epistemics and the functions of declarative questions in Dutch talk-in-interaction. Artikelen van de 8e Anéla Conferentie Toegepaste Taalwetenschap 2015 (pp. 59-78). Delft: Eburon.
Seuren, L.M. & Smith, M.S. Third-Position Actions. In: M. Stevanovic (ed.) Research handbook on social interaction. Edward Elgar.
Hughes, G., Stephens, T.J., Seuren, L.M., Pearse, R.M., & Shaw, S.E. Clinical context and communication in shared decision-making about major surgery: findings from a qualitative study with colorectal, orthopaedic and cardiac patients. Health. doi: 10.1177/13634593241238857
Seuren, L.M., & Shaw, S.E. How informal carers support video consulting in physiotherapy, heart failure and cancer: Qualitative study using linguistic ethnography. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 26:e51695. 10.2196/51695
Seuren, L.M., Ilomäki, S., Dalmaijer, E., Shaw, S.E., & Stommel, W.J.P. Communication in Telehealth: A state-of-the-art review of conversation analytic research. Research on Language and Social Interaction, 57(1):73-90. doi: 10.1080/08351813.2024.2305045
Seuren, L.M., Gilbert, A., Ramdharry, G., Walumbe, J., & Shaw, S.E. Video Analysis of Communication by Patients and Physiotherapists in Video Consultations: A Qualitative Study using Conversation Analysis. Physiotherapy, 123:30-37. doi: 10.1016/
Seuren, L.M. & Shaw, S.E. Using Linguistic Ethnography to study video consultations: a call to action and future research agenda. Qualitative Health Research, 32(5):800-813. doi: 10.1177/10497323221077297
Smith, M.S. & Seuren, L.M. Re-apprehending misapprehensions: A practice for accounting for inapposite actions in talk-in-interaction. Journal of Pragmatics, 193:43-58. doi: 10.1016/j.pragma.2022.02.018
Seuren, L.M., Wherton, J., Greenhalgh, T., & Shaw, S.E. (2021). Whose turn is it anyway? Latency and the organisation of turn-taking in video-mediated interaction. Journal of Pragmatics, 172:63-78. doi: 10.1016/j.pragma.2020.11.005
Wherton, J., Shaw, S.E., Papoutsi, C., Seuren, L.M., & Greenhalgh, T. (2020). Guidance on the introduction and use of remote video consultations during COVID-19: important lessons from qualitative research. BMJ Leader, 4:120-123. doi: 10.1136/leader-2020-000262
Shaw, S.E., Seuren, L.M., Wherton, J, Cameron, D., A'Court, C., Vijayaraghavan, S., Morris, J., Bhattacharya, S., & Greenhalgh, T. (2020). Interaction in Video Consultations: a linguistic ethnographic study of video-mediated interaction between patients and clinicians in Diabetes, Cancer, and Heart Failure services. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 22(5): e18378. doi: 10.2196/18378
Seuren, L.M., Wherton, J., Greenhalgh, T., Cameron, D., A'Court, C., & Shaw, S.E. (2020). Physical Examinations via Video for Patients With Heart Failure: Qualitative Study Using Conversation Analysis. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 22(1), e16694. doi: 10.2196/16694
Seuren, L.M., Stommel, W., Asselt, D. van, Sir, O., Stommel, M., & Schoon, Y. (2019). Multidisciplinary Meetings at the Emergency Department: A conversation-analytic study of decision-making. Social Science & Medicine, 242. DOI: 10.1016/j.socscimed.2019.112589 (Accepted version)
Seuren, L.M. (2019). Oh (/o/) als ontvanger van informatie in sociale interactie [Oh (/o/) as information receipt in Dutch talk-in-interaction]. Tijdschrift voor Taalbeheersing, 41(2), 363-390. DOI: 10.5117/TVT2019.2.002.SEUR
Seuren, L.M. (2019). Questioning in Court: The construction of direct examinations. Discourse Studies, 21(3), 340–357. doi: 10.1177/1461445618770483 (Accepted version)
Shaw, S.E., Cameron, D., Wherton, J., Seuren, L.M., Vijayaraghavan, S., Bhattacharua, S., A'Court, C., Morris, J., & Greenhalgh, T. (2018). Technology-Enhanced Consultations in Diabetes, Cancer, and Heart Failure: Protocol for the Qualitative Analysis of Remote Consultations (QuARC) Project. JMIR Research Protocols, 7(7): e10913. doi: 10.2196/10913
Seuren, L.M. & Huiskes, M. & Koole, T. (2018). Resolving Knowledge Discrepancies in Informing Sequences. Language in Society, 47(3), 409–434. doi: 10.1017/S0047404518000362
Seuren, L.M. (2018). Assessing Answers: Action ascription in third position. Research on Language and Social Interaction, 51(1), 33–51. doi: 10.1080/08351813.2018.1413890
Seuren, L. M., & Huiskes, M. (2017). Confirmation or Elaboration: What do yes/no declaratives want? Research on Language and Social Interaction, 50(2), 188–205. doi: 10.1080/08351813.2017.1301307
Seuren, L. M. (2016). Schaarste is goed, maar de selectie moet beter [Scarcity is good, but selection must improve]. Tijdschrift voor Taalbeheersing, 38(2): 181–187. doi: 10.5117/TVT2016.2.SEUR
Seuren, L. M., Huiskes, M. & Koole, T. (2016). Remembering and Understanding with oh-prefaced yes/no declaratives in Dutch. Journal of Pragmatics, 104: 180–192. doi: 10.1016/j.pragma.2016.02.006.
Seuren, L. M., Huiskes, M., & Koole, T. (2015). Epistemics and the functions of declarative questions in Dutch talk-in-interaction. Artikelen van de 8e Anéla Conferentie Toegepaste Taalwetenschap 2015 (pp. 59-78). Delft: Eburon.
Finlay, T., Seuren, L.M., & Pope, C. (under review). Mangled practice: Consequences of the precipitous shift to remote-by-default consultation during the early phase of the COVID-19 pandemic in the UK.
McLuhan, A., Zafar, S., Fakhrjahani, I., Ford, M., Ozzoude, C., Hao, S., Butsang, T., Seuren, L.M., Abukar, H., Mashford-Pringle, A., & Matheson, F.I. (under review). Mental health and substance use services for people released from custody during COVID-19: A cross-sectional survey of service providers.
McLuhan, A., Zafar, S., Fakhrjahani, I., Ford, M., Ozzoude, C., Hao, S., Butsang, T., Seuren, L.M., Abukar, H., Mashford-Pringle, A., & Matheson, F.I. (under review). Mental health and substance use services for people released from custody during COVID-19: A cross-sectional survey of service providers.